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Shir Hadash is an egalitarian Progressive congregation. We encourage equal participation of men and women of all races, national origins, sexual orientations and physical, mental or emotional disabilities. We are happy to welcome as guests persons visiting Florence and the surrounding area. Jews from other denominations are also very welcome to attend, as are persons of other religious faiths.

What is Progressive Judaism?


Shir Hadash is a member of the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ), the international umbrella organization of the Reform, Liberal, Progressive and Reconstructionist movements, serving 1,200 congregations with 1.8 million members in more than 45 countries.
Progressive Judaism is rooted in the Bible, especially the teachings of the Hebrew Prophets.

Coming up


  ​Now that safety measures imposed for  COVID-19 have been eased,
services for Shir Hadash will again be conducted in person.

If you would like to join our services, please contact us for information (see the Contact us page for details).







Our services


Kabbalat Shabbat, Twice a month, Friday at 8PM



We welcome visitors, Jewish and not, to our services, but ask that you please contact us beforehand for security reasons.

© 2014 by Shir Hadash. Tutti i diritti riservati.

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