Progressive Judaism in Florence
Congregational activities 5785
If you would like to join our services, please contact us for information (see the Contact us page for details).
(Note: Shir Hadash does not conduct services every week. If you don't see a particular date on the calendar below,
it means we will not be having services that day.)
Please consider offering a financial contribution: Shir Hadash is a small congregation and we need funds
to continue our activities.
The calendar is accurate at the moment of publication. Please check again for possible future changes.
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday 20 September, 8:00 PM followed by an Oneg. Please bring a dish to pass.
Note: During the High Holy days, we ask non-member guests for a minimum contribution of €25 (adults),
€15 (students) for each Holiday. Please contact us for details.
​EREV ROSH HASHANAH: Wednesday 2 October, 8:00 PM
Everyone is requested to bring something sweet to share so that we can celebrate
a sweet new year together.
​ROSH HASHANAH: Thursday 3 October, 10:00 AM
After services, we will perform the ritual of Tashlikh.
EREV YOM KIPPUR: Friday 11 October, 8:00 PM
YOM KIPPUR: Saturday 12 October
Shacharit: 10:30 AM
Yizkor/Neilah: 6:15 PM --with memorial service to remember those lost on Oct 7th and afterward.
Followed by potluck supper to break the fast; please bring a dish to pass.
Sukkot: Saturday, 19 October, 11:30 AM
Lunch in the sukkah followed by sukkoth activities.
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday 8 November, 8:00 PM followed by an Oneg. Please bring a dish to pass.
Adult education: Sunday 10 November, 10:30 AM
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday 22 November, 8:00 PM followed by an Oneg. Please bring a dish to pass.
Adult education: Saturday 23 November, 10:30 AM
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday 6 December, 8:00 PM followed by an Oneg. Please bring a dish to pass.
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday 20 December, 8:00 PM followed by an Oneg. Please bring a dish to pass.
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday,
Youth Havdalah:
Adult education:
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday,
Youth Havdalah:
Adult education:
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday,
Youth education:
Adult education:
Purim: Purim Party!
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday,
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday,
Youth education:
Pesach: in community
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday,